Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki

Angela was a shy girl who was brought to the Yorkshire Dales by Reverend David Cowper in October 1977. Angela was left homeless and Dolly Skilbeck asks Annie Sugden if she can stay at Emmerdale Farm. Annie agrees, to the delight of Annie's son Joe, who was starting to develop a crush on Angela. During her time there, she befriends Sam Pearson when he finds her in her vegetable garden, having just returned from a holiday in Rome. Henry Wilks also befriends her and takes her out birdwatching, and takes her for a shandy in The Woolpack afterwards. However, this all turns sour when Angela continues to play with Sam's radio, which makes him cross. She runs away, and doing so, accidentally letting some cows escape from the paddock. Angela is later found, but she decides not to return to Emmerdale Farm, eventually deciding to return home.

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