Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


While out on a walk with Nicola, Jimmy's thrown to see Kelly leaving the village shop with a child. Aghast, Nicola questions her motives for coming back while Jimmy watches on in horror, pretending not to recognise her. Landing back on Bob's doorstep, Kelly introduces him to her son, Elliot. Stunned by Kelly's bombshell, Bob asks how long they plan to stay but Kelly remains non-committal. Meeting up in secret, Kelly reveals to Jimmy that Elliot is his son. Meanwhile, with Jackson's promise to give life another go, Hazel and Aaron are positive about the future again. With everything out in the open, Hazel asks Jackson to always be honest and announces she's asked Joe to arrange for Jackson to go for a drink with other people in his situation. Elsewhere, Alicia and Andy share a kiss, while Cameron bails at the last minute on his date with Debbie.


Regular cast

Guest cast



